Time Without You
In case you did not know, I am not seeing any clients during this time. My email autoresponder has been updated to reflect my current unavailability. Unless someone makes a special request, I'm not doing virtual packages either, mostly because I would like to dedicate my free time to other pursuits and also, due to my desire for discretion.
Prior to this madness settling in, I'm glad to say that I got my visit in to LA. I returned home on March 11th, just several days after it was front page news, that public health officials were advising six foot distance between people, now coined 'social distancing.' I'm lucky to have gotten some important errands done around Los Angeles, and was just planning a visit to SF shortly after my return home, but then the closures were enacted, city by city. The lockdown in my city is scheduled to last at least through the end of April. I will resume availability about a week after and then hopefully, resume my traveling, to hopefully see you (whoever you are), several weeks after that.
As for now, hopefully you all are staying occupied. If you're not yet retired, hopefully you've been given extra time to rest and rejuvinate. If not extra time to rejuvenate, hopefully your work situation has not been overturned as to cause you worry about finances. The overall vibe of this whole ordeal has been feeling a bit like Christmas, except the stocks are in freefall or otherwise, acting as bipolar as New Mexican weather, and lots of people are temporarily unemployed.
Things I've been doing with my free time: Sleeping, working at home on some other stuff, moving/settling somewhere new, reading, watching youtube videos, lots of cooking, exercise-all these activities and some others, in no particular order of importance or frequency. I hope you've been enjoying your extra spare time as well.
Also, with the spare time, there is more time for self-reflection, which leads me to consider how this disaster could have been avoided, if only humans were more kind and in this particular case, to animals. The pandemic is an embodiment of karma at play. As we see with global warming, nature has a way of retaliating. Not intentionally, it's just karma coming full-circle. In light of this, sometimes I reassess how I treat others and whether it is as kind as I'd want them to treat me. I sure hope so.
If this pandemic has effected you, hopefully you are making the best out of it. I know that I am. Though it's true that I've looked forward to meeting some new and old faces, and I've looked forward to other events I had on my itinerary for the remainder of March and April prior to the shelter-in-place, this time has been a gift. I've instead honed it to work on some other pursuits uninterrupted. I've been enjoying my solitude. Still, hopefully, life will resume to normal, if not soon then eventually, without too much adverse and long-lasting effects. I look forward to seeing you then...